Team Scouting Report |
(As Of 01/30/2023) |
2020 |
Section - Texas |
Area - Austin |
League - Fall Adult 18 & Over WeekEND |
Flight - Womens 4.0 |
Subflight - South |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Austin Aces |
League Record: 5 - 4 |
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order) |
Brenda Hoffman - 3.78 |
Tomoko Hall - 3.71 |
Suzy Stege - 3.70 |
Cynthia Knox - 3.70 |
Dee Jones - 3.65 |
Susan Litherland - 3.63 |
Sally Graham - 3.63 |
Rosemarie Smith - 3.60 |
Debra Maxie - 3.60 |
Susan Thurber - 3.58 |
Pam Koteras - 3.53 |
Mary Sikes - 3.46 |
Marty James - 3.46 |
Jill Gentry - 3.46 |
Kim Webster - 3.25 |
Alecia Ragan - 2.99 |
Kathy Hidell - n/a |
League Results By Position |
1S |
2S |
1D |
2D |
3D |
Susan Thurber - 3.58 & Debra Maxie - 3.60 |
1 - 1 |
0 - 1 |
Susan Thurber - 3.58 & Rosemarie Smith - 3.60 |
0 - 1 |
Sally Graham - 3.63 & Dee Jones - 3.65 |
0 - 1 |
1 - 0 |
Sally Graham - 3.63 & Rosemarie Smith - 3.60 |
1 - 0 |
Kathy Hidell - n/a & Pam Koteras - 3.53 |
0 - 1 |
Suzy Stege - 3.70 & Cynthia Knox - 3.70 |
0 - 1 |
Suzy Stege - 3.70 & Dee Jones - 3.65 |
0 - 1 |
Suzy Stege - 3.70 & Pam Koteras - 3.53 |
1 - 0 |
Alecia Ragan - 2.99 & Jill Gentry - 3.46 |
1 - 2 |
Debra Maxie - 3.60 & Pam Koteras - 3.53 |
0 - 1 |
Cynthia Knox - 3.70 & Brenda Hoffman - 3.78 |
1 - 1 |
Cynthia Knox - 3.70 & Rosemarie Smith - 3.60 |
1 - 0 |
Brenda Hoffman - 3.78 & Pam Koteras - 3.53 |
1 - 0 |
Brenda Hoffman - 3.78 & Kim Webster - 3.25 |
1 - 0 |
Dee Jones - 3.65 & Pam Koteras - 3.53 |
1 - 0 |
Dee Jones - 3.65 & Rosemarie Smith - 3.60 |
0 - 1 |
Pam Koteras - 3.53 & Kim Webster - 3.25 |
0 - 1 |
Marty James - 3.46 |
3 - 2 |
Tomoko Hall - 3.71 |
2 - 1 |
1 - 0 |
Mary Sikes - 3.46 |
1 - 3 |
0 - 1 |
Susan Litherland - 3.63 |
0 - 2 |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
All About That Ace! |
League Record: 6 - 2 |
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order) |
Matilda O'Connor - 4.14 |
Parrish Walker - 4.04 |
Erin Schanke - 3.91 |
Lauren Lombardo - 3.86 |
Shelley Daddurno - 3.81 |
Katy Rees - 3.80 |
Nikki Nichols - 3.78 |
Rita Wilson - 3.75 |
Kimberly McDougall - 3.68 |
Ginny Stuckey - 3.68 |
Amy Mulvihill - 3.67 |
Sara Lundy - 3.63 |
Bettie McCarthy - 3.59 |
Lois Wedlock - 3.57 |
lauren hulse - 3.51 |
Beth McConnell - 3.31 |
Karen Wright - 3.16 |
League Results By Position |
1S |
2S |
1D |
2D |
3D |
Lois Wedlock - 3.57 & Bettie McCarthy - 3.59 |
1 - 0 |
2 - 0 |
Lois Wedlock - 3.57 & Matilda O'Connor - 4.14 |
0 - 1 |
Ginny Stuckey - 3.68 & Sara Lundy - 3.63 |
1 - 0 |
Ginny Stuckey - 3.68 & lauren hulse - 3.51 |
1 - 0 |
Ginny Stuckey - 3.68 & Parrish Walker - 4.04 |
0 - 1 |
Bettie McCarthy - 3.59 & Rita Wilson - 3.75 |
1 - 0 |
Karen Wright - 3.16 & Beth McConnell - 3.31 |
0 - 1 |
Sara Lundy - 3.63 |
1 - 1 |
Nikki Nichols - 3.78 & Matilda O'Connor - 4.14 |
3 - 1 |
Matilda O'Connor - 4.14 & Rita Wilson - 3.75 |
1 - 0 |
Beth McConnell - 3.31 & Rita Wilson - 3.75 |
0 - 1 |
Beth McConnell - 3.31 & Amy Mulvihill - 3.67 |
0 - 1 |
1 - 0 |
Erin Schanke - 3.91 |
3 - 1 |
lauren hulse - 3.51 & Lauren Lombardo - 3.86 |
1 - 0 |
Kimberly McDougall - 3.68 & Sara Lundy - 3.63 |
1 - 0 |
Kimberly McDougall - 3.68 & Amy Mulvihill - 3.67 |
1 - 0 |
Katy Rees - 3.80 & Amy Mulvihill - 3.67 |
1 - 0 |
Katy Rees - 3.80 & Parrish Walker - 4.04 |
2 - 0 |
Lauren Lombardo - 3.86 & Rita Wilson - 3.75 |
1 - 0 |
1 - 0 |
Lauren Lombardo - 3.86 |
0 - 1 |
0 - 1 |
Parrish Walker - 4.04 |
3 - 0 |
1 - 0 |
Shelley Daddurno - 3.81 |
1 - 0 |
2 - 2 |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Topspin 4.0 |
League Record: 8 - 1 |
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order) |
Elizabeth Lee - 4.27 |
Anna Studt - 4.20 |
Shannon Eckerle - 4.14 |
Sara Rivero - 3.96 |
Anna Eberhardt - 3.96 |
Haruna Miyakado - 3.95 |
Vi Hoang - 3.84 |
Hannah Culver - 3.84 |
Stephanie Berry - 3.83 |
Bonnie Reedy - 3.83 |
Allison Heard - 3.76 |
Samantha Hart - 3.66 |
Karin Mahajan - 3.66 |
Jordan Schanda - 3.64 |
Andrea Garcia - 3.60 |
Nathalie Goodman - 3.56 |
League Results By Position |
1S |
2S |
1D |
2D |
3D |
Hannah Culver - 3.84 & Nathalie Goodman - 3.56 |
0 - 1 |
Hannah Culver - 3.84 |
1 - 0 |
1 - 0 |
Karin Mahajan - 3.66 & Andrea Garcia - 3.60 |
1 - 0 |
Karin Mahajan - 3.66 & Haruna Miyakado - 3.95 |
1 - 0 |
Karin Mahajan - 3.66 |
1 - 0 |
Elizabeth Lee - 4.27 & Karin Mahajan - 3.66 |
1 - 0 |
Elizabeth Lee - 4.27 & Bonnie Reedy - 3.83 |
1 - 0 |
Elizabeth Lee - 4.27 & Allison Heard - 3.76 |
1 - 0 |
Elizabeth Lee - 4.27 & Haruna Miyakado - 3.95 |
1 - 0 |
Elizabeth Lee - 4.27 & Anna Eberhardt - 3.96 |
1 - 0 |
Jordan Schanda - 3.64 & Samantha Hart - 3.66 |
2 - 0 |
Jordan Schanda - 3.64 & Stephanie Berry - 3.83 |
1 - 0 |
Jordan Schanda - 3.64 |
0 - 1 |
Samantha Hart - 3.66 & Andrea Garcia - 3.60 |
0 - 1 |
Samantha Hart - 3.66 & Anna Eberhardt - 3.96 |
0 - 1 |
Samantha Hart - 3.66 |
0 - 1 |
Nathalie Goodman - 3.56 & Andrea Garcia - 3.60 |
0 - 1 |
Nathalie Goodman - 3.56 & Anna Eberhardt - 3.96 |
1 - 0 |
Bonnie Reedy - 3.83 & Vi Hoang - 3.84 |
1 - 0 |
Bonnie Reedy - 3.83 & Sara Rivero - 3.96 |
1 - 0 |
Allison Heard - 3.76 |
3 - 0 |
Andrea Garcia - 3.60 & Stephanie Berry - 3.83 |
1 - 0 |
Vi Hoang - 3.84 & Stephanie Berry - 3.83 |
1 - 0 |
Vi Hoang - 3.84 |
1 - 0 |
0 - 2 |
Haruna Miyakado - 3.95 & Sara Rivero - 3.96 |
1 - 0 |
Haruna Miyakado - 3.95 |
1 - 0 |
Sara Rivero - 3.96 |
3 - 1 |
Shannon Eckerle - 4.14 & Haruna Miyakado - 3.95 |
1 - 0 |
Shannon Eckerle - 4.14 & Anna Eberhardt - 3.96 |
1 - 0 |
Anna Studt - 4.20 & Stephanie Berry - 3.83 |
1 - 0 |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Net Smashers |
League Record: 5 - 4 |
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order) |
Olga Sadovski - 3.75 |
Rachel Robles - 3.72 |
Michelle Osuna - 3.69 |
Jennifer Petersen - 3.69 |
Sophia Ruiz - 3.67 |
Carol Van Waarde - 3.65 |
Amy McCarthy - 3.61 |
Linda Gerardi - 3.53 |
Vickie Wright - 3.51 |
Willi Thomas - 3.30 |
Hillary Crimm - 3.30 |
Virginia Hatch - 3.27 |
Lori Julian - 3.26 |
Beth Rowley - 3.22 |
Ruby Martinez - 3.19 |
Sandi Varela - 3.17 |
Nancy Pais - 3.11 |
Ida Brazell - 3.10 |
League Results By Position |
1S |
2S |
1D |
2D |
3D |
Virginia Hatch - 3.27 & Michelle Osuna - 3.69 |
1 - 0 |
Virginia Hatch - 3.27 & Beth Rowley - 3.22 |
1 - 1 |
0 - 1 |
Nancy Pais - 3.11 & Amy McCarthy - 3.61 |
1 - 0 |
Nancy Pais - 3.11 & Hillary Crimm - 3.30 |
0 - 1 |
Nancy Pais - 3.11 & Lori Julian - 3.26 |
0 - 1 |
Sophia Ruiz - 3.67 & Carol Van Waarde - 3.65 |
1 - 1 |
1 - 0 |
Sophia Ruiz - 3.67 & Hillary Crimm - 3.30 |
0 - 1 |
Rachel Robles - 3.72 & Carol Van Waarde - 3.65 |
1 - 0 |
Rachel Robles - 3.72 & Jennifer Petersen - 3.69 |
1 - 0 |
Rachel Robles - 3.72 & Vickie Wright - 3.51 |
1 - 0 |
Rachel Robles - 3.72 & Lori Julian - 3.26 |
0 - 1 |
Michelle Osuna - 3.69 & Carol Van Waarde - 3.65 |
0 - 1 |
Carol Van Waarde - 3.65 |
0 - 1 |
Amy McCarthy - 3.61 & Jennifer Petersen - 3.69 |
1 - 0 |
Sandi Varela - 3.17 |
0 - 1 |
0 - 1 |
Jennifer Petersen - 3.69 |
1 - 3 |
0 - 1 |
Hillary Crimm - 3.30 |
0 - 1 |
Vickie Wright - 3.51 & Michelle Osuna - 3.69 |
1 - 0 |
Vickie Wright - 3.51 & Amy McCarthy - 3.61 |
0 - 1 |
Ida Brazell - 3.10 & Ruby Martinez - 3.19 |
0 - 1 |
Ruby Martinez - 3.19 & Michelle Osuna - 3.69 |
1 - 0 |
0 - 1 |
Ruby Martinez - 3.19 |
0 - 1 |
Olga Sadovski - 3.75 & Michelle Osuna - 3.69 |
0 - 1 |
Olga Sadovski - 3.75 |
2 - 1 |
1 - 0 |
Linda Gerardi - 3.53 & Hillary Crimm - 3.30 |
1 - 0 |
Willi Thomas - 3.30 & Jennifer Petersen - 3.69 |
0 - 1 |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Tenacity |
League Record: 1 - 7 |
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order) |
Tess Castleberry - 3.70 |
Chantell Gonzales - 3.70 |
Janet Repass - 3.68 |
Sandra VerBeek - 3.64 |
Jody Tyrrell - 3.61 |
Nuala Porteous - 3.59 |
Michelle Nipko - 3.59 |
Gayle Hamilton - 3.45 |
Gloria Hughes - 3.29 |
Carol Meriwether - 3.29 |
Rhonda West - 3.24 |
Cynthia Oliver - 3.18 |
League Results By Position |
1S |
2S |
1D |
2D |
3D |
Gloria Hughes - 3.29 & Carol Meriwether - 3.29 |
0 - 1 |
0 - 2 |
Gloria Hughes - 3.29 & Tess Castleberry - 3.70 |
1 - 0 |
Gloria Hughes - 3.29 & Cynthia Oliver - 3.18 |
0 - 1 |
Jody Tyrrell - 3.61 & Michelle Nipko - 3.59 |
0 - 3 |
Gayle Hamilton - 3.45 & Rhonda West - 3.24 |
1 - 1 |
Gayle Hamilton - 3.45 |
0 - 1 |
Rhonda West - 3.24 |
0 - 1 |
1 - 0 |
Chantell Gonzales - 3.70 |
1 - 0 |
1 - 0 |
Michelle Nipko - 3.59 |
0 - 1 |
Janet Repass - 3.68 |
2 - 1 |
Tess Castleberry - 3.70 & Carol Meriwether - 3.29 |
1 - 0 |
Tess Castleberry - 3.70 & Michelle Nipko - 3.59 |
0 - 1 |
Tess Castleberry - 3.70 & Sandra VerBeek - 3.64 |
0 - 1 |
1 - 0 |
Sandra VerBeek - 3.64 & Michelle Nipko - 3.59 |
0 - 2 |
Sandra VerBeek - 3.64 & Cynthia Oliver - 3.18 |
1 - 1 |
Cynthia Oliver - 3.18 & Gayle Hamilton - 3.45 |
0 - 1 |
Cynthia Oliver - 3.18 & Rhonda West - 3.24 |
1 - 1 |
Nuala Porteous - 3.59 |
0 - 2 |
1 - 1 |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Simply Smashing (ATC) |
League Record: 5 - 2 |
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order) |
Stephanie Joos - 3.91 |
Michelle Graham - 3.82 |
Grainne Gilliam - 3.79 |
Camden Bobek - 3.79 |
Terri Rose - 3.78 |
Sarah Atkinson - 3.77 |
Tiffany Muller - 3.76 |
Karis Webb - 3.76 |
Alison Cooper - 3.75 |
Susan Turner - 3.74 |
Andrea Frost - 3.73 |
Kari Roberts - 3.71 |
Bridget Faust - 3.68 |
Mary Jo Terry - 3.65 |
Amber Jordan - 3.64 |
Cathrine Schneider - 3.61 |
Vickie Bauerle - 3.55 |
Cecilia Griffis - 3.52 |
Linda Pfitzner - 3.12 |
League Results By Position |
1S |
2S |
1D |
2D |
3D |
Vickie Bauerle - 3.55 & Andrea Frost - 3.73 |
1 - 0 |
Vickie Bauerle - 3.55 & Linda Pfitzner - 3.12 |
0 - 1 |
Vickie Bauerle - 3.55 & Mary Jo Terry - 3.65 |
1 - 0 |
Susan Turner - 3.74 & Cecilia Griffis - 3.52 |
2 - 0 |
Susan Turner - 3.74 |
1 - 0 |
1 - 0 |
Amber Jordan - 3.64 & Sarah Atkinson - 3.77 |
0 - 1 |
Amber Jordan - 3.64 & Bridget Faust - 3.68 |
1 - 0 |
Terri Rose - 3.78 & Alison Cooper - 3.75 |
1 - 0 |
Andrea Frost - 3.73 & Linda Pfitzner - 3.12 |
0 - 1 |
Andrea Frost - 3.73 & Michelle Graham - 3.82 |
1 - 0 |
Cecilia Griffis - 3.52 & Bridget Faust - 3.68 |
1 - 0 |
Alison Cooper - 3.75 & Sarah Atkinson - 3.77 |
1 - 1 |
Michelle Graham - 3.82 & Sarah Atkinson - 3.77 |
0 - 1 |
Grainne Gilliam - 3.79 |
3 - 1 |
Bridget Faust - 3.68 |
0 - 1 |
Kari Roberts - 3.71 |
1 - 0 |
1 - 0 |
Karis Webb - 3.76 |
0 - 2 |
3 - 0 |
Cathrine Schneider - 3.61 & Linda Pfitzner - 3.12 |
1 - 0 |
Stephanie Joos - 3.91 & Bridget Faust - 3.68 |
2 - 0 |
Tiffany Muller - 3.76 & Alison Cooper - 3.75 |
0 - 1 |
Tiffany Muller - 3.76 & Camden Bobek - 3.79 |
1 - 0 |
Mary Jo Terry - 3.65 & Linda Pfitzner - 3.12 |
0 - 1 |
Mary Jo Terry - 3.65 & Kari Roberts - 3.71 |
0 - 2 |
Camden Bobek - 3.79 & Terri Rose - 3.78 |
0 - 1 |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Courtyard Hot Shots |
League Record: 3 - 6 |
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order) |
Tomoe Heldebrandt - 3.89 |
Carrie Arsenault - 3.80 |
Molly Krasoff - 3.67 |
Janette Williams - 3.62 |
Pamela Cowper - 3.61 |
Barbara O'Donnell - 3.60 |
Lynn Jackson - 3.58 |
Shannon Chambers - 3.57 |
Wanda Digby - 3.56 |
Julie Culin - 3.48 |
Kathy Riddle - 3.35 |
Heather Lonsdale - 3.35 |
Ashley Lassberg - 3.32 |
Lynn Longwill - 3.29 |
Monique Knox - 3.23 |
Susan Hochstatter - 3.21 |
Honey Winters - 3.16 |
League Results By Position |
1S |
2S |
1D |
2D |
3D |
Monique Knox - 3.23 & Honey Winters - 3.16 |
0 - 1 |
Lynn Jackson - 3.58 & Susan Hochstatter - 3.21 |
0 - 1 |
Lynn Jackson - 3.58 & Julie Culin - 3.48 |
0 - 1 |
Heather Lonsdale - 3.35 & Molly Krasoff - 3.67 |
0 - 1 |
Heather Lonsdale - 3.35 & Wanda Digby - 3.56 |
0 - 1 |
Heather Lonsdale - 3.35 & Ashley Lassberg - 3.32 |
0 - 1 |
Heather Lonsdale - 3.35 |
0 - 1 |
1 - 1 |
Shannon Chambers - 3.57 & Julie Culin - 3.48 |
0 - 1 |
Shannon Chambers - 3.57 & Barbara O'Donnell - 3.60 |
0 - 2 |
Shannon Chambers - 3.57 & Wanda Digby - 3.56 |
0 - 1 |
Susan Hochstatter - 3.21 & Barbara O'Donnell - 3.60 |
1 - 0 |
Julie Culin - 3.48 & Wanda Digby - 3.56 |
0 - 1 |
Julie Culin - 3.48 & Ashley Lassberg - 3.32 |
0 - 1 |
Julie Culin - 3.48 |
0 - 1 |
Molly Krasoff - 3.67 & Ashley Lassberg - 3.32 |
1 - 0 |
Tomoe Heldebrandt - 3.89 |
2 - 1 |
2 - 0 |
Ashley Lassberg - 3.32 |
0 - 2 |
Lynn Longwill - 3.29 & Molly Krasoff - 3.67 |
1 - 1 |
Honey Winters - 3.16 & Lynn Jackson - 3.58 |
1 - 0 |
Honey Winters - 3.16 & Kathy Riddle - 3.35 |
0 - 1 |
Kathy Riddle - 3.35 & Lynn Jackson - 3.58 |
0 - 1 |
Kathy Riddle - 3.35 & Susan Hochstatter - 3.21 |
1 - 1 |
Janette Williams - 3.62 & Shannon Chambers - 3.57 |
1 - 0 |
Janette Williams - 3.62 & Barbara O'Donnell - 3.60 |
1 - 1 |
1 - 0 |
Janette Williams - 3.62 & Pamela Cowper - 3.61 |
0 - 1 |
1 - 0 |
Carrie Arsenault - 3.80 |
1 - 1 |
1 - 0 |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Grey Rock Wine-a-Rita's |
League Record: 1 - 8 |
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order) |
Laura Sherman - 3.63 |
Becky Lister - 3.63 |
Phommalone Nguyen - 3.62 |
Linda Apostalo - 3.62 |
Kathleen Smith - 3.62 |
Linda Henson - 3.59 |
Wijitra Schilling - 3.58 |
Gloria Kerin - 3.36 |
Kathy Mungle - 3.34 |
Patricia Day - 3.33 |
Rhonda Gum - 3.31 |
Martha Fields - 3.25 |
Jennifer McDaniel - 3.23 |
Pam Manley - 3.18 |
Della Lindquist - 3.18 |
Marimel Ansdell - 3.09 |
League Results By Position |
1S |
2S |
1D |
2D |
3D |
Gloria Kerin - 3.36 & Kathy Mungle - 3.34 |
0 - 1 |
1 - 0 |
Gloria Kerin - 3.36 & Wijitra Schilling - 3.58 |
0 - 1 |
Patricia Day - 3.33 & Kathy Mungle - 3.34 |
1 - 0 |
Laura Sherman - 3.63 & Della Lindquist - 3.18 |
0 - 2 |
Laura Sherman - 3.63 & Kathleen Smith - 3.62 |
1 - 1 |
Laura Sherman - 3.63 & Linda Henson - 3.59 |
1 - 0 |
Kathy Mungle - 3.34 & Marimel Ansdell - 3.09 |
0 - 1 |
Marimel Ansdell - 3.09 |
0 - 1 |
0 - 1 |
Martha Fields - 3.25 |
0 - 1 |
Rhonda Gum - 3.31 & Wijitra Schilling - 3.58 |
0 - 1 |
Rhonda Gum - 3.31 |
0 - 1 |
Linda Apostalo - 3.62 & Wijitra Schilling - 3.58 |
0 - 1 |
Linda Apostalo - 3.62 |
1 - 3 |
Della Lindquist - 3.18 & Martha Fields - 3.25 |
0 - 1 |
Della Lindquist - 3.18 & Kathleen Smith - 3.62 |
0 - 1 |
Jennifer McDaniel - 3.23 & Linda Apostalo - 3.62 |
0 - 1 |
Jennifer McDaniel - 3.23 & Wijitra Schilling - 3.58 |
1 - 0 |
Phommalone Nguyen - 3.62 |
1 - 3 |
Becky Lister - 3.63 & Martha Fields - 3.25 |
0 - 1 |
Becky Lister - 3.63 & Rhonda Gum - 3.31 |
0 - 1 |
Becky Lister - 3.63 & Wijitra Schilling - 3.58 |
1 - 0 |
Linda Henson - 3.59 & Martha Fields - 3.25 |
0 - 1 |
Linda Henson - 3.59 & Wijitra Schilling - 3.58 |
1 - 0 |
1 - 1 |
Pam Manley - 3.18 & Marimel Ansdell - 3.09 |
0 - 2 |